Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chapter 4: The Marketing Environment.

The Coca-Cola Company has been making its products since 1886 and was and still is "dedicated to offering safe, quality beverages, marketing those beverages responsibly and providing information consumers can trust." With more than 3,500 beverages, from water to coffee and tea, fruit juices to diet and regular, and even milk and soy based beverages, the Coca-Cola Company has become a global leader in the beverage industry. Even though the beverages are for all consumers, there's a "market segmentation". There's a primary target of ages 13-24 and a secondary target of ages 10-39.

The link, Coca-Cola Nutritional Information, will show you the nutrition information of a variety of the company's products.
According to the company, "We have a global Responsible Marketing Policy that covers all our beverages, and we do not market any products directly to children under 12. This mean we will not buy advertising directly targeted at audiences that are more than 35% children under 12. Our policy applies to television, radio, and print, and, where data is available, to the internet and mobile phones. In 2010, we evolved our global Responsible Marketing Policy and redefined the appropriate audience threshold for children's programming from audiences that are more than 50% children younger than 12 years of age to audiences that are more than 35% children younger than 12. This means we will not buy advertising directly targeted at audiences that are more than 35% children younger than 12."
A value of the company is to "Focus on the Market.
  • Focus on the needs of our consumers, customers and franchise partners
  • Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn.
  • Possess a world view
  • Focus on execution in the marketplace every day
  • Be insatiably curious"

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